Why Every Loan Originator Needs a Fresh Set of Eyes: The Power of Coaching
Sometimes in life and business, we miss what's been right in front of us all along. I was reminded of this recently during a conversation with one of our team members, Zach Shelburne. Zach was sharing a story about his love for puzzles, something he does regularly with his grandmother.
He explained how she would spend time meticulously studying the puzzle pieces, searching for that one piece to complete a section. After a while, Zach would walk by, glance at the board, and in an instant, he’d find the exact piece she'd been hunting for. The piece that had eluded her, despite hours of focus, would just jump out at him.
A Fresh Perspective Can Change Everything
Now, you might be wondering: What does this have to do with your mortgage business? Well, it’s simple. Coaching is for everyone.
Whether you’re a top producer, a middle-of-the-road producer, or just starting out, coaching can help you see things that have been right in front of you the entire time. It’s not about not knowing the answers. It’s about getting out of your own way and seeing things from a new perspective.
Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our own businesses that we become blind to the solutions or opportunities that are sitting right there. That’s when having a coach—or even just a second set of eyes—can be the game-changer.
The 10,000-Foot View
Think of coaching as someone looking at your business from a 10,000-foot level. While you’re deep in the day-to-day grind, a coach can offer insights, strategies, and suggestions that help you break through to the next level. It’s not just about what you’re missing—it’s about elevating your thinking and approach.
Whether you're navigating a tough deal, scaling your business, or trying to find new growth strategies, coaching provides the clarity and support you need to make progress.
I’m Here to Help You Grow
If you ever feel like you’re stuck or you’re not sure what the next move should be, remember that a fresh set of eyes could be just what you need. Sometimes the solution has been right there all along—you just need someone to help you see it.
If there's anything I can do to help you grow your business, know that I’m here to serve. Let’s unlock your potential together.